Ex-Head of AI at Laplaces AI (now Maneva AI). On top of AI models and infrastructure development, I was responsible to lead an outstanding team to build the product for our customers.

I obtained my M.Sc. in Computer Science with AI specialization (Dean’s Honors List) at Mila/University of Montreal/Robotics and Embodied AI Lab (REAL) under the supervision of Prof. Liam Paull, and B.ASc. in Mechatronics Engineering (Dean’s Honors List, with Distinction) at the University of Waterloo. I have also been fortunate to collaborate with Dr. Anqi Xu on my current and past research works at Element AI (now part of ServiceNow Research I believe), as well as Prof. Florian Shkurti at the University of Toronto/Robot Vision and Learning (RVL) lab. My research focus was to develop learning framework for solving semantic visual navigation task, where I worked on Lifelong Topological Visual Navigation. In addition, I spent considerable time researching the topic of adversarial attacks and defenses, where I published PAT (ICCV’19), MJSMA (MAIS’18), and a review paper (pre-print). I was also lucky to have been concretely introduced to the research world by Prof. Jeff Orchard in the Neurocognitive Computing Lab during my undergrad days.

Blog / Paper summaries

I enjoy presenting my work, so please feel free to let me know if you want to learn more about it! When I am not doing research, I like to play tennis, play music (mainly acoustic and electric guitars), make educational videos (OUTDATED), read books, writing blog posts (OUTDATED) or paper summaries (OUTDATED), and go for a run or hike.

Featured Publications

Please see my Google Scholar page for the complete list.

 Lifelong Topological Visual Navigation
 Rey Reza Wiyatno, Anqi Xu, Liam Paull
 IROS + RA-L, 2022
 Paper / Webpage / Blog
 A learning-based topological visual navigation method with graph update
 strategies that improves lifelong navigation performance over time.
 Our model can also be finetuned and work well in the real world.

 Adversarial Examples in Modern Machine Learning: A Review
 Rey Reza Wiyatno, Anqi Xu, Ousmane Dia, Archy de Berker
 arXiv, 2019
 Paper / Adversarial Attack Blog / Adversarial Defense Blog
 A review of adversarial attack and defense techniques.

 Physical Adversarial Textures That Fool Visual Object Tracking
 Rey Reza Wiyatno, Anqi Xu
 ICCV, 2019
 Paper / Video / Blog
 Fooling object tracker in the real world with inconspicuous-looking textures.

Featured Applied Projects

 Duckietown: Lane Following with Other Vehicles and Obstacles
 Course Project, AI Driving Olympics, 2019
 Lane following and collision avoidance using light-weight semantic
 segmentation model and pure pursuit controller.

 Inspeksi: Intelligent Manufacturing Visual Inspection Tool
 Capstone Project
 Winner of Autodesk Canada Capstone Design Award, 2019
 A low-cost solution for automated visual inspection tool.

 Autonomous Drone Tracking
 Work Project, 2018
 Robot: Parrot Bebop 2
 Autonomous drone tracking using GOTURN and PID controller.